Chesapeake Bay Advocates Spotlight Damage from Federal Funding Freeze on Capitol Hill
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Chesapeake Bay Advocates Spotlight Damage from Federal Funding Freeze on Capitol Hill

(WASHINGTON, DC)—Today, nearly 100 members of the Choose Clean Water Coalition met with their members of Congress to urge support for the restoration of the rivers and streams that feed the Chesapeake Bay. With the federal funding freeze blocking critical clean water programs throughout the region, the Coalition is asking Congress to reaffirm their longstanding commitment to the Bay restoration effort.

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Governors of Chesapeake Bay States Recommit to Restoration Effort
Federal Funding, TMDL Drew Robinson Federal Funding, TMDL Drew Robinson

Governors of Chesapeake Bay States Recommit to Restoration Effort

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—The Chesapeake Executive Council met today to discuss the current state of the effort to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams. The meeting, attended by Maryland's Governor Moore, Pennsylvania's Governor Shapiro, and Virginia's Governor Glenn Youngkin, comes at a critical juncture in the Bay restoration effort. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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Chesapeake National Recreation Area Takes Critical Step Forward
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Chesapeake National Recreation Area Takes Critical Step Forward

(WASHINGTON, DC)—Today, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources unanimously voted the Chesapeake National Recreation Area Act (S.2620) out of committee. In response, leaders from Chesapeake Conservancy, Choose Clean Water Coalition, National Parks Conservation Association, and Chesapeake Bay Foundation issued the following statements.

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Clean Water Nonprofits Unite on Future of Chesapeake Bay Restoration
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Clean Water Nonprofits Unite on Future of Chesapeake Bay Restoration

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—As the effort to restore the Chesapeake Bay faces a critical juncture, nonprofit organizations throughout the region are presenting a united front. The Choose Clean Water Coalition gathered 131 signatures from nonprofits across the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed urging regional leaders to recommit to the Bay restoration effort and update its goals.

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Choose Clean Water Coalition Statement on Defeat of Perry Amendment
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Choose Clean Water Coalition Statement on Defeat of Perry Amendment

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Last night, Congress rejected Amendment #82 to the House Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill (H.R. 8998). The amendment, offered by Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA), was resoundly defeated on a bipartisan basis, by a vote count of 231 against and 185 for. If adopted, the amendment would have crippled the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort by removing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to enforce the Chesapeake Bay clean up. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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25 Bipartisan Members of Congress Urge Chesapeake Bay Restoration Recommitment
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

25 Bipartisan Members of Congress Urge Chesapeake Bay Restoration Recommitment

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—As the EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program seeks public input on the next phase of Chesapeake Bay restoration, this week a bipartisan group of 25 U.S. Senators and Representatives from Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, New York, and the District of Columbia urged regional leaders to recommit to the Chesapeake Bay. In response, the Choose Clean Water Coalition and Chesapeake Bay Foundation issued the following joint statement.

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Clean Water Conference Discusses Future of Chesapeake Bay Cleanup, Honors Leading Advocates
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Clean Water Conference Discusses Future of Chesapeake Bay Cleanup, Honors Leading Advocates

(ELLICOTT CITY, MD)—The future of the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort is taking centerstage this week at the 2024 Choose Clean Water Conference. More than 300 individuals from local, state, and national nonprofits, elected officials, government agencies, and businesses are gathering to discuss ways these different sectors can work together toward our collective goal of clean water in the Bay region.

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MEDIA ADVISORY:  Clean Water Advocates to Seek Continued Commitment for Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Honor Congressional Leaders
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

MEDIA ADVISORY: Clean Water Advocates to Seek Continued Commitment for Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Honor Congressional Leaders

Nearly 100 members of the Choose Clean Water Coalition and members of Congress will discuss their support for the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort and will honor Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), and Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) as "Chesapeake Champions," for their significant contributions to protecting and restoring clean water in the Chesapeake Bay region throughout their careers.

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New Resource Provides Guide to Reaching Clean Water Goals in Pennsylvania
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

New Resource Provides Guide to Reaching Clean Water Goals in Pennsylvania

(HARRISBURG, PA)—Today, a collection of nonprofit organizations released a comprehensive guide to protecting and restoring Pennsylvania's rivers and streams. The Pennsylvania Clean Water Legislative Briefing Book examines a wide array of issues plaguing the Keystone State's waterways and provides a variety of solutions and investments to leave a legacy of clean water to future generations.

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Key Chesapeake Bay Funding Introduced in Senate
Federal Funding Drew Robinson Federal Funding Drew Robinson

Key Chesapeake Bay Funding Introduced in Senate

(WASHINGTON, DC)—On Friday, U.S. Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) introduced the America's Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Reauthorization Act of 2024 (S. 3791), which includes funding reauthorization for programs critical to protecting and restoring the more than 100,000 miles of rivers and streams throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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Proposed Legislation Would Help Reduce Agricultural Pollution to Chesapeake Bay, Rivers, and Streams
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Proposed Legislation Would Help Reduce Agricultural Pollution to Chesapeake Bay, Rivers, and Streams

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the Chesapeake Bay Conservation Acceleration Act of 2023, which would accelerate key conservation practices on farms throughout the Chesapeake Bay region. This is on the heels of legislation by the same name introduced in the U.S. Senate last week. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Acting Director Mariah Davis issued the following statement.

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Chesapeake National Recreation Area a Win for Public Access
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Chesapeake National Recreation Area a Win for Public Access

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate each introduced the Chesapeake National Recreation Area Act which would create a Chesapeake National Recreation Area (CNRA). The CNRA would designate a collection of new and existing parks and protected lands throughout the Chesapeake Bay region as part of the National Park System. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Acting Director Mariah Davis issued the following statement.

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Debt Ceiling Deal Puts Clean Water at Risk
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Debt Ceiling Deal Puts Clean Water at Risk

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Legislation before the U.S. House of Representatives this week would raise the federal debt ceiling, while also providing legislative approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which cuts through a large portion of the Chesapeake Bay watershed in West Virginia and Virginia. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Acting Director Mariah Davis issued the following statement.

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Clean Water Champions Honored at Harrisburg Gathering
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Clean Water Champions Honored at Harrisburg Gathering

(HARRISBURG, PA)—This evening, the Choose Clean Water Coalition honored Senator Gene Yaw and Carin Bisland of the Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Program as Clean Water Champions. Yaw and Bisland were honored at the annual Choose Clean Water Conference, with more than 250 clean water advocates represented throughout the Chesapeake Bay region in attendance.

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Media Contact:
Drew Robinson