Rapid and increasing urban and suburban sprawl has made polluted runoff the fastest growing source of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. When heavy rain events hit our region—an increasingly common occurrence as the planet warms—water flows off our streets, rooftops, and lawns, carrying into local waterways a toxic cocktail of sediment, pet waste, fertilizer, and chemical contaminants.
While there is no silver bullet to address this onslaught of pollution, the Coalition is focused on strengthening policies, permits, and investments at the local, state, and federal level that protect our rivers and streams from polluted runoff.
Stormwater Workgroup
The goal of the Coalition’s Stormwater Workgroup is to garner support to strengthen policies and permits to stop polluted runoff in urbanized areas.
Monthly Call:
The Stormwater Workgroup’s monthly calls are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m.
Workgroup Lead:
Peter Marx
Renee Reber, National Parks Conservation Association
Our Latest on Stormwater
Fighting for Stormwater Funding in the Old Dominion
To support our Virginia members, the Coalition produced two videos in 2019 telling the story of two projects made possible by Virginia’s Stormwater Local Assistance Fund. The Coalition is dedicated to providing tools and resources that champion effective clean water investments and policies throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.