At the heart of our work for clean water is our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ). This includes growing and mobilizing a more inclusive movement of clean water champions, advancing clean water policies with an eye towards equity, and addressing cases of environmental injustice. From our work to reduce stormwater pollution and runoff from agricultural lands, we have the ability to ensure we are protecting everyone's well-being.
Ultimately, if clean water isn't accessible and safe to all without fear of harm or discrimination, we have failed in our mission. Through the Coalition's Equity Workgroup and our collective focus on integrating DEIJ into all our work for clean water, we are dedicated to protecting and restoring the Bay's rivers and streams for all communities.
Equity Workgroup
Promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and incorporate these issues into the structures, analysis, policy development, decision-making, and advocacy process of the Coalition.
Monthly Call:
The Equity Workgroup’s monthly calls are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 11:00 a.m.
Workgroup Lead:
Wuillam Urvina