Critical to meeting our clean water goals is effective and compelling communications. We need to tell absorbing and powerful stories that not only reveal the many benefits of clean water, but also the consequences if we fail to protect and restore our rivers and streams. With the work to improve water quality often comes technical science and complex policy. Translating these important points into clear, concise language through a convincing narrative is paramount.
Beyond messaging, nonprofit communications entails membership engagement, strategic planning, advocacy campaigns, branding, media relations, website development, social media, and much more. The Choose Clean Water Coalition is committed to supporting the communications efforts of its more than 300 member organizations. See below to learn more about our Communications Workgroup and contact Drew Robinson, Communications Director, RobinsonAQ@nwf.org, with any questions or communications needs.
Communications Workgroup
The goal of the Coalition’s Communications Workgroup is to develop and implement strong internal and external communications strategies.
Monthly Call:
The Communications Workgroup’s monthly calls are held on the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m.
Workgroup Lead:
Drew Robinson
Melissa Diemand, Potomac Conservancy
Marco Sanchez, Piedmont Environmental Council