Our Members

The Coalition is made up of more than 300 local, state, regional, and national organizations that are working to restore clean water to the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Our groups span the entire watershed, with organizations in all six states and the District of Columbia. The power of the Coalition comes from the work and dedication of our members, who while working on different issues, come together for one common goal: clean water.

Who Are They?


The Coalition is proud to have members from every jurisdiction in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

District of Columbia:

Anacostia Parks & Community Collaborative * DC Chapter of the Sierra Club * DC Environmental NetworkEarth Conservation Corps * Institute for Local Self Reliance * Surfrider Foundation – DC Chapter * Ward 8 Woods Conservancy * Young, Gifted & Green *

New York

Butternut Valley Alliance * Catskill Mountainkeeper * Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society * Environment New York * Environmental Advocates of New York * Friends of the Chemung River Watershed * New York League of Conservation Voters * New York State Council of Trout Unlimited * Otsego County Conservation Association * Otsego Land Trust * Sidney Center Improvement Group * The Wetland Conservancy, Inc. * The Wetland Trust, Inc. * Upper Susquehanna Coalition


10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania * Action Together Northeastern Pennsylvania * Alliance for Aquatic Resource MonitoringChestnut Hill United Church * Clean Air Council * ClearWater Conservancy * Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association * Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County * Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania * Countryside Conservancy * Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation * Environeers, Inc. * Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds * Lackawanna River Conservation Association * Lancaster Clean Water Partners * Lancaster Conservancy * Lancaster Farmland Trust * League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania * Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association * Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania * Mehoopany Creek Watershed Association * Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper * NEPA Green Coalition * Paxton Creek Watershed & Education Association * PennEnvironment * PennFuture * Penns Valley Conservation Association * Pennsylvania Council of Churches * Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited * Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light * Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers * Protecting Our Waters * Rivertown Coalition for Clean Air & Clean WaterSierra Club - Pennsylvania Chapter * Susquehanna Greenway Partnership * Susquehanna National Heritage Area * Watershed Alliance of York * WeConservePA

West Virginia:

Blue Heron Environmental Network * Blue Ridge Watershed Coalition * Cacapon Institute * Cacapon & Lost Rivers Land Trust * Conservation West Virginia * Elks Run Watershed Group * Experience LearningFriends of the Cacapon River * Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance * Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition * Opequon Creek Watershed * Potomac Valley Audubon Society * Ranson Community Gardens * Save Our Soil * Sierra Club- West Virginia Chapter * Sleepy Creek Watershed Association * Sweet Springs Resort Park Foundation Inc. * Sweet Springs Watershed Association * Town Run Watershed * Warm Springs Watershed Association * West Virginia Citizens Action Group * West Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited * West Virginia Environmental Council * West Virginia Highlands Conservancy * West Virginia Interfaith Power & Light * West Virginia Land Trust * West Virginia Rivers Coalition


Delaware Center for Horticulture * Delaware Interfaith Power & Light * Delaware Nature Society * Delaware Wild Lands * Kent County Conservancy * Sussex Preservation Coalition


Alice Ferguson Foundation * American Chestnut Land Trust * Annapolis Green * Arundel Rivers Federation * Assateague Coastal Trust * Backyard Basecamp * Baltimore Green Space * Baltimore Tree Trust * Beaverdam Creek Watershed Watch Group * Bethesda Green * Blue Water Baltimore * Catoctin Land Trust * Cecil Land Use Association * Chapman Forest Foundation * Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage * Citizens to Conserve and Restore Indian Creek * Clean Bread and Cheese Creek * Cleanwater Linganore, IncConservation Montgomery * Corsica River Conservancy * Cove Point Natural Heritage Trust * Crab Creek Conservancy * Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth * Earth Forum of Howard County * Eastern Shore Land Conservancy * EcoLatinos * Environment Maryland * Environmental Concern * Environmental Finance Center at the University of Maryland * Envision Frederick County * Forever Maryland * Friends of Cabin John Creek * Friends of Frederick County * Friends of Dueling Creek * Friends of Herring Run Parks * Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek * Friends of Quincy Run * Friends of Sligo Creek * Friends of St Clements Bay * Friends of Ten Mile CreekGrowth Action Network of Anne Arundel County * Gunpowder Riverkeeper * Harford Land Trust * Healthy Soils Frederick * League of Women Voters of Maryland * Little Falls Watershed Alliance * Lower Shore Land Trust * Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway * Maritimas * Maryland Academy of Science at Maryland Science Center * Maryland Conservation Council * Maryland League of Conservation Voters * Maryland Native Plant Society * Maryland Nonprofits * Maryland Pesticide Education Network * Mattawoman Watershed Society * Minary’s Dream Alliance * Minorities in Aquaculture * Montgomery Countryside Alliance * Muddy Branch Alliance * Multifaith Alliance of Climate Stewards * Neighbors of the Northwest Branch * NeighborSpace of Baltimore County * Parks and People Foundation * One Montgomery Green * Patapsco Heritage Greenway* Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust * Phillips Wharf Environmental Center * Port Tobacco River Conservancy * Preservation MarylandQueen Anne’s Conservation Association * Safe Healthy Playing Fields, Inc. * Scenic Rivers Land Trust * Severn River Association * Severn Riverkeeper * ShoreRivers * Sierra Club - Maryland Chapter * The 6th Branch * Southern Maryland Audubon Society * Sparks-Glencoe Community Planning Council * St. Mary's River Watershed Association * Sugarloaf Alliance * Talbot Preservation Alliance * Transition Howard County * Trash Free Maryland * University of Maryland Extension Howard CountyWaterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc. * Watts Branch Watershed Alliance * West Montgomery County Citizens Association * Wicomico Environmental Trust


Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley * Appalachian Voices Capital Region Land Conservancy * Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore * Citizens for a Fort Monroe National Park * Clean Fairfax Council Elizabeth River Project * Environment Virginia * Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions * Float Fishermen of Virginia * Friends of Accotink Creek * Friends of Dyke Marsh * Friends of Little Hunting Creek * Friends of Shenandoah Mountain * Friends of the Appomattox River * Friends of the Middle River * Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River * Friends of the Rappahannock * Friends of the Rivers of Virginia * Friends of the Shenandoah River * Goose Creek Association * James River Association * Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy * Lynnhaven River NOW * Northern Virginia Bird Alliance * Partnership for Smarter Growth * Piedmont Environmental Council * Prince William Conservation Alliance * Protect Hanover * Rappahannock League for Environmental ProtectionRichmond Audubon Society * Rivanna Conservation Alliance * RIVERE * Rockbridge Area Conservation Council * Rockfish Valley Foundation * Scenic Virginia * Shenandoah Riverkeeper * Sierra Club - Virginia Chapter * Southside ReLeaf * Surfrider Foundation- Virginia Chapter * United Parents Against Leads and Other Environmental Hazards * Virginia Association for Biological Farming * Virginia Association for Environmental Education * Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center * Virginia Conservation Network * Virginia Interfaith Power and LightVirginia League of Conservation Voters * Virginia Organizing * Virginia Wilderness Committee * Wetlands Watch * Wild Virginia

You can also download our full member list here:
Member list as of January 2025