Chesapeake Bay Takes Centerstage on Capitol Hill at Critical Stage in Restoration Effort
(WASHINGTON, DC)—Today, nearly 100 members of the Choose Clean Water Coalition met with their members of Congress to urge support for the restoration of the rivers and streams that feed the Chesapeake Bay. The Coalition, comprised of more than 290 nonprofit organizations throughout the Chesapeake Bay region, is asking Congress to maintain, and in some instances, increase funding for programs that are critical to attaining clean water. At a lunch gathering of the participating advocates and partners, the Coalition honored three members of the Chesapeake delegation that are retiring from Congress this year. Thanks to their significant contributions to the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort throughout their careers, Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), and Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) were recognized as "Chesapeake Champions."
For more than a decade, the six states in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and the District of Columbia have worked with the federal government on a historic restoration program to have all pollution reduction practices to restore the Bay and its tributaries in place by 2025. While we've made great progress, there is still a long way to go to restore swimmable and fishable waters in the Chesapeake Bay region. As plans are under development for the next stage of the Bay restoration effort, the Coalition is encouraged by the strong bipartisan support in Congress to secure strong investments in clean water programs. These programs improve communities and protect local waterways while also creating good jobs.
"Clean water is integral to healthy communities, local economies, and quality of life. But we won't protect and restore our rivers and streams throughout the Chesapeake Bay region without our elected officials supporting critical clean water investments and policies. We're so grateful for the leadership of Senator Cardin, Congressman Ruppersberger, and Congressman Sarbanes in the fight for clean water and were thrilled to honor them as ‘Chesapeake Champions' today," said Kristin Reilly, Director of the Choose Clean Water Coalition. "At this critical stage in the Bay restoration effort, the dedicated advocates within the Coalition appreciated the opportunity to meet with members of Congress and share personal testimony of the many positive environmental and economic impacts clean water programs have in their community."
At the forefront of asks for legislators is maintaining critical funding for EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program. More than 70 percent of Bay Program funding supports on-the-ground projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed states and the District of Columbia. This support plants trees to improve wildlife habitat, reduces runoff from farmland, improves oyster and crab populations, and funds other activities that improve local water quality. Other asks include support for the Chesapeake Watershed Investments and Landscape Defense (WILD) Program, a grant program intended to assist local partners with on-the-ground habitat restoration and protection; increasing funding in the next iteration of the Farm Bill for voluntary conservation programs; and supporting the creation of a Chesapeake National Recreation Area, which would improve public access to the Bay and its rivers and streams.
Support for these programs is critical given the new and growing threats facing clean water from the impacts of climate change, deforestation, and agricultural runoff. Amidst these challenges, we need to accelerate restoration efforts and invest in critical programs that move us closer to clean water in our local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
"The Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure and an economic engine for the Commonwealth. Both realizing and capitalizing on the many benefits of clean water and heathy watersheds requires continued cooperation and commitment across all levels of government," said Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA). "I'm proud of our many successes and look forward to continuing advancement of Bay clean-up. I will always advocate for the health of our Chesapeake Bay, which is integral to our way of life in Virginia's First district."
Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) added, "We must constantly strengthen our efforts to ensure we have a clean and healthy Chesapeake Bay, which is both a national treasure and a critical economic lifeline to so many of our communities. Historic federal investment in habitat restoration, conservation, and water infrastructure in recent years–and the support of key partners like the Choose Clean Water Coalition–have resulted in meaningful progress on improving Bay health, but we must continue building on this momentum. I will keep fighting to secure federal resources for these vital efforts so future generations can enjoy the Bay's beauty and bounty for years to come."
The thirteenth annual Choose Clean Water Coalition's Chesapeake Bay Day on Capitol Hill held 43 meetings with members of Congress. There were also 168 organizations signing letters endorsing the Coalition's appropriations asks. In addition to meeting with members of Congress, 10 members of Congress spoke at the aforementioned luncheon gathering of advocates.
EPA CHESAPEAKE BAY PROGRAM GRANTS – BY STATE (FY2023–$92 million enacted level/$47.6 million Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act)
Jurisdiction | TOTAL |
Delaware | $5,939,684 |
District of Columbia | $4,251,885 |
Maryland | $23,589,452 |
New York | $4,953,362 |
Pennsylvania | $28,623,350 |
Virginia | $27,999,617 |
West Virginia | $3,824,446 |
TOTAL | $99,181,796 |