Choose Clean Water Statement on the Retirement of Senator Ben Cardin
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Choose Clean Water Statement on the Retirement of Senator Ben Cardin

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) announced his retirement. Senator Cardin has served in Congress since 1987, first as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate since 2007. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Acting Director Mariah Davis issued the following statement.

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Advocates Rally for Clean Water in Chesapeake Bay Region
Federal Funding Drew Robinson Federal Funding Drew Robinson

Advocates Rally for Clean Water in Chesapeake Bay Region

(WASHINGTON, DC)—Today, more than 100 members of the Choose Clean Water Coalition met with their members of Congress to urge support for the restoration of the rivers and streams that feed the Chesapeake Bay. The Coalition, comprised of more than 280 nonprofit organizations throughout the Chesapeake Bay region, is asking Congress to maintain, and in some instances, increase funding for programs that are critical to attaining clean water.

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Revoking of Conowingo Dam License a Win for Clean Water
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Revoking of Conowingo Dam License a Win for Clean Water

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling vacating the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's 50-year license for Conowingo Dam to Constellation Energy. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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Federal Omnibus Bill Includes Major Wins for Clean Water in Chesapeake Bay Region
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Federal Omnibus Bill Includes Major Wins for Clean Water in Chesapeake Bay Region

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Early this morning, Congress and the White House reached a bipartisan deal on the FY23 Omnibus Bill, which is anticipated to pass both the House and Senate and be signed into law by the President before midnight on Friday, December 23. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement:

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An Environmental Champion Lost with Passing of Congressman A. Donald McEachin
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

An Environmental Champion Lost with Passing of Congressman A. Donald McEachin

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Congressman A. Donald McEachin (D-VA) passed away yesterday after a long battle with cancer. Congressman McEachin served in Virginia's General Assembly for 16 years and in Congress since 2017. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly and Coalition Deputy Director Mariah Davis issued the following statements.

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Pennsylvania State Budget Includes Historic Investments in Clean Water
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

Pennsylvania State Budget Includes Historic Investments in Clean Water

(HARRISBURG, PA)—Today, Pennsylvania's General Assembly passed a new state budget that includes historic funding for the program formerly called Growing Greener, as well as the new Clean Streams Fund program. Collectively, these two programs will invest $696 million from the American Rescue Plan to protect and restore Pennsylvania's waterways. In response, the Choose Clean Water Coalition, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, and PennFuture issued the following joint statement.

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House Appropriations Bill Increases Investments in Chesapeake Restoration Effort
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

House Appropriations Bill Increases Investments in Chesapeake Restoration Effort

(ANNAPOLIS, MD)—Today, the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee reported out their Fiscal Year 2023 appropriations bill, which begins on October 1, 2022. The bill includes many projects and programs that benefit the Chesapeake restoration effort. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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Bay Restoration Leaders Welcome New USDA Funds for Conservation
Federal Funding Drew Robinson Federal Funding Drew Robinson

Bay Restoration Leaders Welcome New USDA Funds for Conservation

(LANCASTER, PA)—Chesapeake Bay cleanup advocates welcomed today’s announcement by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Robert Bonnie that USDA plans to direct an additional $22.5 million this year to helping farmers in the watershed adopt conservation practices that improve water quality in the Bay and its tributaries.

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Distribution of Infrastructure Funding is Major Victory for Clean Water
Federal Funding Drew Robinson Federal Funding Drew Robinson

Distribution of Infrastructure Funding is Major Victory for Clean Water

(BALTIMORE, MD)—Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe announced the first year’s appropriation of the $238 million designated for the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program through the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The funds, spread over five years, will increase the Bay Program’s budget by $47.6 million a year. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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President’s Budget Strong on Chesapeake Restoration
Drew Robinson Drew Robinson

President’s Budget Strong on Chesapeake Restoration

(WASHINGTON, DC)—Today, President Biden's FY23 budget proposed funding EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program at $90.568 million, the highest amount of funding ever requested for the Bay Program. The proposed budget also calls for a 17 percent increase in conservation technical assistance for the U.S. Department of Agriculture—from $759.813 million in FY22 to $886 million for FY23. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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Funding Levels for Chesapeake Bay Restoration a Mixed Bag
Federal Funding Drew Robinson Federal Funding Drew Robinson

Funding Levels for Chesapeake Bay Restoration a Mixed Bag

(WASHINGTON, DC)—Last night, the House passed the omnibus spending package for fiscal year 2022 that will fund EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program at $88 million. The omnibus also allocates $4 million for the new Chesapeake Watershed Investments and Landscape Defense (WILD) Program. In response, Choose Clean Water Coalition Director Kristin Reilly issued the following statement.

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Chesapeake Bay Advocates Maintain Pressure for Strong Clean Water Funding
Federal Funding Drew Robinson Federal Funding Drew Robinson

Chesapeake Bay Advocates Maintain Pressure for Strong Clean Water Funding

(WASHINGTON, DC)—This week, more than 70 members of the Choose Clean Water Coalition met with their members of Congress to urge support for the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort. The Coalition, made up of more than 270 nonprofit organizations throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, is asking Congress to maintain, and in some instances, increase funding for programs that are critical to attaining clean water.

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Media Contact:
Drew Robinson