A Big Dam Problem: Cleaning up Conowingo
Maryland Mariah Davis Maryland Mariah Davis

A Big Dam Problem: Cleaning up Conowingo

The Conowingo Dam, owned by Constellation Energy, is one of the largest non-federal hydroelectric dams in the United States. For decades, the dam has protected the Susquehanna river and the Chesapeake Bay from stormwater and agriculture runoff. But its ability to protect wildlife, water quality, and public health is dwindling. So, whose responsibility is it to clean it up?

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Delaware Nature Society – Making Big Waves in a Small State
Robin Glazer Robin Glazer

Delaware Nature Society – Making Big Waves in a Small State

DelNature’s work has changed with the needs of the environment in Delaware and the region, supporting many efforts from buffer ordinance updates to environmental justice. Having worked for the passage of the Clean Water for Delaware Act (2021) and the Plastic Carryout Bag Ban in Delaware (2021), it supported the Environmental Protection Agency’s Chesapeake Bay Program since its earliest stages.

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Clean Water Profile: Ridgway "Ridge" Hall

Clean Water Profile: Ridgway "Ridge" Hall

Our Clean Water Profile series continues, highlighting a long-time advocate and legal warrior for clean water. Ridgway Hall, known by friends and colleagues as “Ridge,” is a walking encyclopedia of the history of Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts, particularly as it relates to its legal battles.

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Clean Water Profile: Mariah Davis

Clean Water Profile: Mariah Davis

Next up in our Clean Water Profile series is the Coalition’s own Mariah Davis. Mariah was named the River Network’s 2022 Emerging Leader this spring and was recently appointed to the Coalition’s Deputy Director. We sat down with Mariah to learn more about her experience and her ongoing plans to continue supporting water quality in the Chesapeake Bay.

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The Centre of the Universe and a Congressional Farm Tour

The Centre of the Universe and a Congressional Farm Tour

For one day, last week, Centre County, Pennsylvania was the center of my universe—and it lived up to all expectations. Congressman Glenn "GT" Thompson (R-PA) joined several Choose Clean Water Coalition members, representatives from the Centre County Conservation District, USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service, Woods and Water Consulting, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for a tour of agricultural conservation practices on farms in Centre County.

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