An Intern's-Eye View: 2024 Chesapeake Bay Day on the Hill
In the halls of Congress last week, I spotted four American Legion veterans, three cowboys, two goths, and a peanut farmer. It was the Choose Clean Water Coalition’s 13th annual Chesapeake Bay Day on the Hill (affectionately called “Lobby Day”), and I was there along with nearly 100 Coalition members to ask our representatives to protect the rivers and streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Civic Engagement Toolkit: Nonpartisan Resources
Given the respected status many nonprofit organizations enjoy, and the importance of the democratic process in reaching our clean water goals, it is critical nonprofit organizations encourage their members to vote.

Creative Civic Engagement During the Pandemic
As an advocacy organization active with state and federal policy, in legislatures, and the courts, PennFuture views participation in voting as strategic to the environmental outcomes we work toward. So we moved intentionally into democracy work to ensure that this aspect of our democracy is optimized.

There's an App for That: Civic Engagement and Clean Water
At the headwaters to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in New York, the Ostego County Conservation Association is working to improve and protect the health of the local air, land, and water. Critical to this effort is encouraging our members to raise their voice through civic engagement.

Voting by Mail in the Old Line State
To pass strong environmental legislation, we must have the right elected officials in office. Nothing is more important to that goal than a robust election where voters'—all voters'— voices are heard and champions are elected that reflect their conservation values over the interests of those who would pave over forests and eliminate environmental protections.
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