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Lessons from Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay

After 30 years of planning and investment, the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem is showing measurable signs of improvement. There are important lessons from the Chesapeake experience relevant to restoration of the Gulf of Mexico. Rich Batiuk has recently retired after 30 years with the U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program where, as Associate Director for Science, Analysis and Implementation, he led the integration of science into multi-partner collaborative decision-making. Rich recently created CoastWise Partners with Holly Greening, former Executive Director of the Tampa Bay National Estuary Program. CoastWise Partners provide no cost consulting on estuarine and coast restoration. Rich will share his experience in the Chesapeake with us in the Gulf of Mexico and answer questions.

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Meeting ID: 396 151 714

November 15

Monthly Webinar: Activating Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts to Restore the Bay Watershed

November 27

Advocating for Environmental Justice in VA