Why is $73 million for the Chesapeake important?
Since 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Program has received $73 million in funding for the restoration effort. It is often said that this funding goes to "on the ground restoration efforts around the Chesapeake Bay watershed that are improving local communities." This is true, as the Bay Budget not only supports those who are managing the restoration effort, but projects that are having a positive impact on the Chesapeake Bay's rivers and streams.
But what exactly does spending the Chesapeake Bay Budget look like?
Our chart below lists the seven jurisdictions of the Bay region and how much each jurisdiction was granted through the Bay Budget in 2017.
When breaking down the Chesapeake Bay Budget from FY2017, we are able to see that most funding goes directly to the states for on the ground restoration projects.
As you can see, more than a third of the $72 million in funding given to the Chesapeake Bay Program is then put back into the Bay states. This helps support local nonprofits and businesses, and improves communities. This is one of the reasons why ensuring continued funding for the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort receives so much support from members of Congress - people understand the benefits and can see the results in person.
- In 2017, Maryland received more than $13 million in funding for projects that include installing buffers and restoring wetlands to reduce non-point source runoff and improving oyster restoration locations.
- In 2017, Pennsylvania received $11 million in funding, going towards projects like the protection of critical habitat and manure management.
- Virginia used a portion of its $11.5 million in funding last year to support oyster restoration in the Lafayette River, stream restoration design in Shenandoah County, and the installation of stormwater best management practices.
- D.C. received more than $3 million, which went towards projects like Fort DuPont watershed restoration and stormwater management systems in the Anacostia River watershed.
- Last year, Delaware received $2.8 million that was used to fund projects on accelerating wetland restoration and reducing phosphorus with thermochemical conversion.
- In 2017, West Virginia used its $2.9 million to work on projects like building a conservation hub in the Potomac River headwaters, restoring trout habitat, and monitoring the Appalachian watershed.
- New York was granted $3.3 million and put that amount towards funding projects like low-cost methods for forested buffer plantings and reconnecting floodplains through streamside berm removal.