Member - Stormwater Workgroup
The goal of the Coalition’s Stormwater Workgroup is to garner support to strengthen policies and permits to stop polluted runoff in urbanized areas. Please find this workgroup's workplan here.
Monthly Call:
The Stormwater Workgroup’s monthly calls are held on the first Wednesday at 2PM.
Call-in info: 844-700-2017
Code: 350 851 2988#
Workgroup Lead:
Peter Marx, 410-905-2515
Paying for Stormwater Management in Chesapeake Bay Communities: Policy Recommendations
(June 2017)Stormwater Utility Clearinghouse (November 2016)
Smart Growth, Clean Water, and Sustainable, Competitive Economic Development
(February 2012)Model MS4 Permit (Public Version)
Model MS4 Permit (Confidential - For Coalition members only)
Recent Coalition Letters:
Recommendations for New Metrics Approach for the Phase I MS4 Permit Renewals (August 25)
Small MS4 Rule Letter
(March 2016)PA PAG-13 stormwater letter
(July 2015)EPA Region 3 Stormwater Permit Letter (December 19, 2013)
DC Stormwater Rules Comments
(July 2013)Arlington MS4 permit letter to EPA
(December 2011)Issue VA MS4 permit letter
(July 2012)Baltimore City MS4 permit comments letter
(August 2012)State plans and MS4 comments to EPA
(May 2012)
Don't see the materials you are looking for? Please contact Kristin Reilly.