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Maryland Fail Fest

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We talk a lot about the successes of great projects and try to broadcast them to the world.  However, sometimes failure is the best teacher. Sometimes your beautiful rain garden gets mowed down. Sometimes an agency suddenly won't issue a permit for a project. Sometimes your coalition meeting with an important government official goes up in flames. Sometimes your grassroots engagement campaign falls flat. We can learn a lot from a failed project or program on how to overcome challenges and seeing what obstacles to avoid. 

This round-table will create a safe and private space to explore our failures in a positive and collaborative way. Come learn about when some coalition partners had BMPs, campaigns, or programs that did not go our way. Learn what went wrong and how you can avoid similar pitfalls in the future. We hope this will help us all overcome barriers and challenges in the future as we learn from each other in a constructive way. We hope to walk away from this round-table with tools, knowledge, and maybe even some action items on how we can leapfrog obstacles and reach that success we strive for. 

Free light lunch/refreshments included.  Email Ben Alexandro if you can make it and if you have any dietary restrictions.

After the round-table, we are holding an informal  'War Story' Happy Hour at R House to follow where we can continue the conversation.

 As always, this is free event specifically for Choose Clean Water Coalition member organizations. Feel free to share with your staff, board, or any volunteers you would like to officially represent your org at this round-table.   

September 19

Equity Workgroup Call

October 16

The Trash Summit