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Rally: No Potomac Pipeline

Come to Annapolis on February 15 to join concerned citizens of Maryland, Washington, DC, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia as we raise our voices in a rally on Lawyer’s Mall (in front of the State House), and then march to encircle the Governor’s Mansion!

Maryland has until March to issue a decision about TransCanada’s application to build a fracked gas pipeline under the Potomac River. That’s less than two months away, yet the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) is giving no signs that they are conducting a full review of the proposed pipeline’s impact on our water quality according to the Clean Water Act. So, we are bringing our fight to Annapolis to tell Governor Hogan to protect Marylanders, and our regional neighbors, from the harmful effects this pipeline would have on the Potomac River and the drinking water for millions. 
Here are the details:
Who: You and concerned residents of MD, DC, WV, PA and VA
What: Rally at Lawyer’s Mall and then March to Gov. Hogan’s Mansion, where we will join hands and encircle his home to make sure he hears our voices!
Where: Meet at Lawyer’s Mall, State Circle - Annapolis MD
When: Thursday, February 15th from 6:00 - 7:30pm
RSVP to the Rally here!
Get On the Bus!! We will have a bus picking up and dropping off people at 3 locations. Price: Free! Limited Seating - Sign up for a Bus here

  • La Vale, MD
  • Hagerstown, MD
  • Martinsburg, WV 

TransCanada wants to build a pipeline to carry fracked gas from Pennsylvania to West Virginia, right through Maryland, tunneling under the C&O Canal and the Potomac River. Residents of WV, MD, VA and DC have been raising our concerns about the dangers of this pipeline for almost a year now! We spent a summer hosting encampments along the C&O Canal. Over 350 of us joined hands across a bridge over the Potomac in October connecting Maryland to West Virginia. Over 300 citizens came to the MDE public hearing in December to express their opposition to the pipeline, while 100 came to the WV Dept of Environment hearing in January. And on January 22 we rallied outside the MDE hearing in Hancock, MD to boycott their process because they are ignoring our request to conduct an individual 401 water certification, which would most certainly deny this pipeline!
Maryland made history by banning fracking within our borders last year. But our state is not safe from the dangers of fracking in neighboring states. Let’s tell Governor Hogan to finish the job of protecting Maryland from fracking by protecting Maryland from fracked gas infrastructure.

For more information, please contact Brent Walls, Potomac riverkeeper.

February 15

Delaware Clean Water Campaign Kick Off

February 20

Forest Conservation Act: Rally Your Representatives