West Virginia Rivers Coalition Welcomes a New State Lead

West Virginia Rivers Coalition’s mission is to conserve and protect West Virginia’s exceptional rivers and streams. We work in communities to empower people to protect rivers and public lands and we advocate for safe water for all West Virginians.

Tanner Haid, headshot, 2019-04-09.jpeg

In May 2019, I joined the West Virginia Rivers team as the Eastern Panhandle Field Coordinator to expand our impact in WV’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. One of my primary duties will be to serve as the state lead for the Choose Clean Water Coalition.

There are over a dozen active Choose Clean Water Coalition member organizations in the Eastern Panhandle, many of whom I have had the pleasure to serve beside on a myriad of conservation projects over the past decade. I take pride in having the opportunity to foster their success and provide the support they need to protect local streams and rivers through my role with the Choose Clean Water Coalition.

In addition to leading Choose Clean Water Coalition efforts in WV, I will also be leading our Safe Water for WV projects in the Eastern Panhandle, including the Safe Water Conservation Collaborative. This project focuses on the connection between land conservation and source water protection. We are collaborating with water utilities and conservation organizations to explore strategies to accelerate conservation easements that benefit Jefferson County’s public drinking water sources.

I look forward to getting to know my fellow state leads with the Choose Clean Water Coalition and to many years of success together. Please reach out anytime at thaid@wvrivers.org or by phone at 304-886-2665.

Tanner Haid, Eastern Panhandle Field Coordinator, WV Rivers Coalition


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May the Forest Be With Us!