2018 Young Professionals of Color Mentorship Program

Young Professionals of Color Mentorship Program

Are you looking to improve your communication and personal skills? Are you interested in developing leadership and management qualities? How about increasing your confidence and reinforcing your own and knowledge? If so, then the Young Professionals of Color Mentorship would be a great fit for you!

The Choose Clean Water Coalition values our members, but more importantly the interpersonal relationships that are built when working together. Established in 2016, the Young Professionals of Color Mentorship Program is a united effort to support individuals working in the environmental sector. Our program is intended to provide mentorship to individuals seeking to excel in their careers and strengthen a mentors leadership abilities. Participating in this unique partnership will foster better relationships among clean water partners and will help build a pipeline of diverse leaders interesting in advancing our watershed goals throughout the Chesapeake Bay region.

When and where?

The program will kick off at the Choose Clean Water Coalition’s Annual Conference on May 23, 2018, at the Lancaster Marriot at Penn Square in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. During a breakfast program, potential mentors will be paired with young professionals to begin a journey towards fulfilling a supportive professional relationship.

What you can do to get involved:

  • Nominate a young person of color who might want to participate so we can make sure they receive an invitation to our kick-off event OR nominate yourself!
  • Agree to be mentor or a mentee, today! Responsibilities include:

o   Attend kick-off event on May 23 from 8AM-9AM in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

o   Commitment to one year of engagement

o  Monthly conversations with your mentee

o  Minimum of three in-person meetings with your mentee

o   Ability to be a thoughtful, effective, and insightful listener and communicator

o   Desire to build and strengthen the environmental community

This is a short term commitment to foster a diverse and long-lasting community.

Sign up today by emailing Mariah Davis at davism@nwf.org.

Please note that this program is open to all of our members- regardless of class, race, ethnicity, age, and gender.


Member Highlight: Baltimore Tree Trust


Meet Mary Katherine